Revolutionize Yourself: Elevate your leadership

Revolutionize Yourself: Elevate your leadership

Virtual 3 Month Program
Dates: May 15th – July 31, 2024
Sessions: 75 – minutes long

Are you ready to level up? The foundation of all leadership starts with you. The complexities of today’s work environments need leaders who can manage two speeds at work, the day-to-day and the unexpected.  Our environments are complex, changing rapidly with rising expectations.  I have experienced it and want to share this program with you, the knowledge, and skills to break the cycle.



Learn how to disconnect from work and make time for strategic recovery.


Connect with your inner compass to strengthen your sense of purpose and navigate tough decisions.


Cultivate self-awareness and other skills to intentionally choose the most productive thinking and actions – especially in critical moments.

Revolutionize Now

Enrollment is now closed.
Stay tuned for fall dates.


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